Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy:

We understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading to the need to cancel or reschedule a consultation. Our cancellation policy is designed to accommodate such situations while ensuring fairness to both our clients and our astrologers.

1. Cancellation and Refund Policy:

  • Clients can cancel their appointment up to 24 hours before the scheduled session without incurring any charges.
  • In the event of a no-show without any prior notification, the full session fee will be charged.
  • Refunds for cancellations made within the stipulated time frame will be processed within 4- 5 working days from the cancellation date.

2. Rescheduling:

  • Clients can request to reschedule their appointment based on astrologer availability and with a minimum notice of 7 working days.
  • If rescheduling is not feasible within a reasonable timeframe, the cancellation policy will apply as per the original appointment time.

3. Exceptions:

  • Exceptions to the cancellation policy may be considered in case of documented emergencies or extenuating circumstances. Please contact us directly to discuss such situations.

4. How to Cancel or Reschedule:

  • Clients can cancel or reschedule their appointment by contacting our customer service via email ([email protected]) or phone (+91 – 8384023652) during our business hours.

5. Astrologer Cancellations:

  • In the rare event that an astrologer needs to cancel a scheduled appointment, our team will make every effort to notify the client promptly and reschedule the session at the client’s convenience. No cancellation fee will be charged for astrologer-initiated cancellations.

Note: This cancellation policy is subject to change and does not affect your statutory rights.

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