Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy and practices are detailed below. Please read them thoroughly.

Our Commitments to You:

  1. We will not share any personally identifiable information about you without your explicit permission, except as required to provide the services you have requested from us.

  2. Feel free to express your privacy concerns and questions to us. We are dedicated to enhancing the tools you can use to manage your provided data. Check back on this page periodically for updates to these features.

Useful Definitions:

  • Personally identifiable information includes details like your name, birth date, email address, or mailing address, which can be used to uniquely identify you.

  • We will not combine any anonymous information about your site usage with personally identifiable information obtained from other sources, unless you have granted us permission.

  • Anonymous information is data that doesn’t personally identify you, such as your site activities (such as visited pages and performed searches), domain names, and/or I.P. addresses (as explained below) of internet browsers. Anonymous information helps us understand our users’ actions (e.g., the average time spent on a page is over 10 minutes), but it’s not tied to any specific individual who isn’t a registered member.

Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information:

  • You can explore our site and enjoy many services without disclosing your identity. Registration as an member requires providing personally identifiable information.

  • Registration involves completing certain fields, some mandatory and others optional, along with choosing a first name and password. For instance, we request information to keep you informed about new features and services.

Sharing Personally Identifiable Information with Third Parties:

  • We do not share your personally identifiable information unless you’ve given us permission. Customers accessing the database can find details from the online directory and may use this information, sometimes combined with other data they possess, to contact you.

Use of IP Addresses:

  • An Internet Protocol (I.P.) address is a set of numbers assigned to your computer when you log onto your internet service provider. Web servers automatically recognize your computer by its I.P. address.

  • We may collect I.P. addresses for specific purposes, like reporting anonymous user data to advertisers and auditing site usage. We typically do not link I.P. addresses to personal information, preserving user anonymity. We may use I.P. addresses when enforcing compliance with our site’s terms of use or protecting our service, site, or other users.


  • We employ security measures to safeguard your user data from loss, misuse, or alteration. Only selected employees have access to your information. We impose strict rules on employees handling user data.

  • While we cannot guarantee against data loss, misuse, or alteration, we make diligent efforts to prevent such incidents.

For privacy policy inquiries or questions about our practices, please Contact Us.

Astrology Matrix reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Any changes will be posted here, and we will strive to inform you of significant policy updates.

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